Read The Huntington Theory of Hispanization (pages 22-23 in the textbook) and in the comments section below answer questions 1 and 2. Due Monday, 9/12
Below are two additional articles that also discuss the issue that you might want to read to help formulate your response.
1.) Does the issue of Hispanic immigration threaten American sovereignty and values? Do demonstrations by pro- and anti- immigration groups signal a significant shift in U.S. history? Explain your thinking.
ReplyDelete2.) Is American political culture more than its core principles and institutions? What other values and institutions ass to the 'United States' claim that it is a true "melting pot" or multicultural society?
#1. I don't believe that Hispanic immigration could threaten American Sovereignty and values. I believe that people can live in peace, and I believe that people have a right to opinion , as well as a right to life. It doesn't matter if someone's from another country or just the fact that they weren't born here - it's their choice that they wanted to come here, and they should have the right to enjoy it. For the groups of pro/anti-immigration groups , I can a see a shift. To a certain degree,we've become a "beacon" to many immigrants around here. As result of that , our eyes have opened up to culture. When new cultures rise, so does our experience.
ReplyDelete#2. First off , the American political culture is a set of beliefs,morals, etc. that many Americans value. I think that American political culture is based on our core principles and institutions. One the values that we consider to be a "melting pot" , is the freedom of religion. Religion has been part of many ideas and morals these days. How about freedom of speech? Personal liberty or individualism? Some countries deny of these ideas/beliefs ... so as another reason, we do our best to give the people these ideas/beliefs ,where otherwise, you find some countries would deny them.
1. I think the real question here is whether ANY immigration threatens American sovereignty and values. When people look at America, they see prosperity, cleanliness, hope, money, and ANGLO-SAXON people. They also have a mindset that somehow the lighter the skin the less violent, the less criminal, and the less mean you are. As if color equals to ethical behavior. So yes, to ignorant people who just don't understand America and its history, Hispanic immigration is a threat to American sovereignty and values because Latinos don't speak English, they speak Spanish. They don't eat bread with water, they eat empanadas, frijoles, arroz con leche with alcohol. I'm just trying to show how the difference with Hispanics and Anglo-Saxon people may cause people to think that their immigration is a problem. I personally, do not think Hispanic immigration threatens America because America is not a race. America consists of all races, beliefs, and numerous other things which includes being Hispanic. Demonstrations by pro- and anti- immigration groups is not signaling a shift in U.S. history because history is history, it's done and over with and essentially everyone who was not born on American soil is an immigrant. Does that mean the Framers too? Most certainly.
ReplyDelete2. American Politcal Culture emphasizes personal liberty, popular consent, equality, etc.. and I do think it is more than its core principles and institutions. Other things that add to the U.S. claim to being a multicultural society is its diversity. Very cliche. But what I really mean, is diversity in thought, they way we dress, etc... For example, not all white people or not all asian people dress the same. People are different even within their own culture and traditions. Other nations are like this as well, but America started it so haha!
p.s. Huntington is an absolute moron and his theory is an absolute joke.
Adebukola Ajao
Anna Mbengam
ReplyDeleteBlock 5
No Hispanic immigration does not threaten American sovereignty and values in anyway. Bear in mind that most people immigrant to the U.S in the first place because they sure admire and appreciate the core values in which Americans hold true. The question here is what is America without its’ immigrant? America as we know is made of the diverse and multicultural groups. In households of most Americans, most people speak their native languages at home while struggling to keep their own culture and values alive. Candidly, I do not that a particular race should be single out. America is known throughout the world as the land of freedom, where there is liberty and prosperity. So where is the threat? Enlighten me if I may be too naive. What Huntington totally forget to mention was the territories owned by the U.S. what happen to the peoples’ core values? Let’s take Puerto Rico for example, where Spanish is their mainstream language and English is their secondary language. Some of them barely speak English but nonetheless are CITIZEN of the United States. Huntington failed to find a solution rather criticize for not assimilating. who's fault is that? These people have right like any other U.S citizen to speak what ever language of their desire because are an AMERICAN!!
No the demonstrations by the Pro and Anti- immigrant groups doesn’t signal a significant shift in U.S. History because the topic has always been an issue in this country. Almost every race has been a targeted victim or reason for America’s downfall. It is not surprising, it’s an old news. The original ideals which layout the duties of the America government came from Immigrants who had similar ideas in different languages, however were able to work together to enhance the U.S. government.
America Political culture isn’t more than its core principles and institutions because Americans only benefit and enrich from the diverse society. It merely makes the nation more powerful and successful because when people come here they “add” or bring something new to the table. An example that is claimed to have been added to the United States that is a true “melting pot” or multicultural society is visible through the music, art, food, fashion and so on. Not to forget the
I feel like i was everywhere with the answer.
1.The principles of sovereignty and the core values of United States aren't challenged by Hispanic immigration.Life,liberty and pursuit of happiness is a core value.The liberties instilled in this nation guarantees the alienable rights to it's citizens.The Hispanic immigration doesn't present a threat to this nation sovereignty.The United States has separation between church and state allowing differencing views and beliefs systems.The Spanish aren't breaking any Constitutional Amendments or forming acts of treason.The conflict is the Spanish population isn't conforming to the American culture.History essential repeats itself civil society is an American common practice ,and one of our Basic Tenets.The civil rights act initiated the first culture shock integrated society together as an equal.I believe the shift on this sensitive issue has caused American to re-evaluate the social norms that make our country great.We must continue to voice our opinions.It's essential to keep an equal balance between people options and government influence.
ReplyDelete2.The political culture in many ways is valued more then our core values.The political culture reflects the countries mood ,and dictates how our core values are interpreted.When addressing our countries issues like Education and Healthcare we write to our Congressmen to pass bills to tackle those issues effectively.The social norm isn't to address the Constitution,because the problem of 1787 aren't prevalent now.I personally believe to truly understand the current government is to examine the legislation from the Constitution.Many of the policies and structures of how the government runs is due to the core values.The institutions of honoring our diversity is bilingual interaction between our citizens.In the land of the free is about the adaption of the people.The Anglo-Protestant views of the past.Multicultural groups like African Americans vary from being very vocal in government.Or not implementing a say or interest in government like the Hispanic methods.Whatever the cases the the word of thought is universal now.To remain united our country must look at equality rather then marination and separation.
#1:The Issue of Hispanic Immigration does not threaten American sovereignty and values. It does not threaten American sovereignty and values because immigrants immigrate to the United States for two purposes. That is in hope of better job opportunities and quality of living. Life for Hispanic Immigrants in Latin America may not be as opportunistic. Latin America may not have job opportunities in the same abundance as America does. There may not be a strong or very stable government. Therefore, Immigrants migrate here for the exact aforementioned reason that they wouldn’t have the same quality of life in their home country. Demonstrations by pro- and anti-immigrant groups in American don’t signal a significant shift in American history because it seems that there has always been a sort of animosity towards immigrants.
ReplyDelete#2.America political culture is more than its principals and institutions because American Political Cultures are always changing. Ideas are always being added into America’s political culture but at the same time the core principals and institutions are always having an effect on the way American culture is and the way we carry out certain actions and etc. Equality and opportunity for all man regardless of race, gender, etc. are really important values that contribute to America’s ability to be a melting pot for other cultures, even though Americans are typically hesitant towards new cultures and people of different nationalities migrating to the states
No Hispanic immigration does not threaten American sovereignty and values because they do not threaten our aneialble rights that are given to us in the declaration of independence. Americans see it as a threat because for the immigrants who do cross over they get low paying factory jobs that takes away from citizens. That's why I believe 86 prevent of Americans voted that immigration is a serious problem. Yes demonstrations by pro and anti-immigrant groups signal a significant shift in u.s. History because in the 1920s they had organized groups who would kill immigrrants.
ReplyDeleteYes political culture is more than it's core principals and institution because American institution prusue justice as the end of government. They say we prusue the American dream but with all the taxes and laws the government puts out we lose a great deal of money to have freedom and to protect our rights.
1. Hispanic immigration does not threaten American sovereignty and values because America is a melting pot for all different cultures. America is built on people emigrating from their country to try to build a better life for themselves. One of America's core values is personal liberty. Just because they speak a different language does not mean that they are violating any American values. There are many different groups of people that come from different backgrounds and speak different languages that also may occupy certain areas of the US. I think that it is discriminatory to only single out the hispanics as a treat to American values.
ReplyDelete2. I think American culture is way more than its core principles. The simple fact that there is no just American culture. Everything in America is a result of another country's influence on it. The fact that there is so much freedom in America is a blessing because it allows for other cultures to be brought into America.
1.) I do not think that Hispanic immigration threatens American sovereignty and values because immigration is a part of the American culture. What would American be without immigrants? When Vietnam was fighting with the communists they immigrated over to America so what makes the Hispanic people different than any other people from coming over here? Pro and Anit- immigration groups do not signal a shift in U.S. history because there has always been conflict between whether we should let immigrants be American citizens. Nothing has change there will always be opposing groups hen it comes to this subject. So it pro and anit immigration groups do not shift U.S. history.
ReplyDelete2.) I think that American political culture is way more that its core principles and institutions because there isn't truly an American political culture. What is American political culture? America has too many different type of people. To be able to wrap all of them in one and say that there are core principles to all of our political cultures combined would be impossible. Everyone has their own opinion on the govt and what it does so there is not really a core principle to it. The freedom and diversity of America add to our multicultural society. Everyone is a different person and in America it is encouraged to be your own person to be different from the rest and not fall into the bandwagon.
1. No, I do not believe the immigration of Hispanic peoples threatens the American sovereignty and values of American culture. In fact, I believe it does quite the opposite, simply due to the fact that America is built off there oh so wonderful idea of being a "melting pot" or a "tossed salad"(teehee). Without immigrants Hispanic immigrants our culture would be missing a bit of a crucial part of our culture. Hispanic culture has become very popular and speaking Spanish is actually pretty normal around some parts of the country. Demonstrations by pro- and anti-immigrant groups show that the views on the issue are quite different, and that people are beginning to be threatened by new people in the country. This is likely due to the lack of jobs in the country.
ReplyDelete2. I feel that American political culture is valued more than its principles and institutions however this does not necessarily mean it is more important. The fact that the United States values its immigrants and embraces their different cultures show how much the united States is a real good ol' melting pot. If you even take a look at our school you can see how many different cultures are blended into one common place in order to become a center for greatness.
1. I don't think Hispanic immigration is threatening American sovereignty and values. We as Americans are born with certain rights, such as personal liberty. Speaking your own language is a personal right that the government shouldn't be able to take away. If immigrants speak their own language it's basically what makes America, America. We have been a "melting pot" country for the longest time and the language difference hasn't interfered with any political aspects. As for values we have always prided ourselves on being a free country and part of that is being able to speak any language or practice any religion. Demonstrations by pro and anti immigration groups do not signal a shift in history because there has always been that tension and fight about letting immigrants into America.
ReplyDelete2.Political culture hasn't really become more than its principles and institutions. They are still about religious freedom and the right to be free in this country. America still embodies that they are a melting pot and takes pride in that fact. They try to make things fair and equal with the growing amount of immigrants coming in.
1) I do not think that the issue of Hispanic immigration threatens American sovereignty or values. America is known to be a country who is very accepting to all types of cultures and races, rather known as a "melting pot". The issue of Hispanic immigrants should not even be thought as a threat to society do to their lack of interest in American ways. Logically speaking the average amount of immigrants who do go by the American "life style" is greater then the amount of hispanic immigrants who refuse to. The demonstrations of both pro and anti immigrants does signal a shift in U.S history because alot of people have their own way of interpeting this issue.
ReplyDelete2)I feel as if America's political culture are valued more then it's principles and institutions because America is a very patorotic country which takes pride in knowing that their own people (those who are accustom to the "American" way) are making a difference. America is still a "melting pot" because of the amount of job oppunties that America has. There are many oopunities in America for people to make living for themselves which is the reason why we have so many immigrants who come and contribute to the growth of America.
1. Hispanic immigration to the states does not threaten American sovereignty and values, with the reason being that if loyalty was held to the homeland, what motivation would there be to migrate to America? The motivation that there is a sense of desired reclamation of lands lost during the Mexican-American war only applies to Mexican-Americans (most of whom aren't probably focused on reclaiming lands for a country they went through so much trouble to leave) who do not represent the entire population of Hispanic immigrants that come from various other Latin American countries as well. Many people that come to America, encompassing ALL immigrant groups, come for the reason that they desire a better life for their family, and better job opportunities to help preserve that new life they strive to attain. Another thing to consider is that since American ideals are composed of political freedom, it wouldn't necessarily be un-American to have a sense of pride in one's own country, no matter the home country's relative closeness, and values as long as they allow the continuance of American sovereignty and help to add their more favorable values to America's composition. to say that pro and anti-immigration demonstrations are a shift in American history would be appropriate to some extent because of course this is a big situation, but America has been shown to regulate the immigration of foreign peoples (although never has America profusely regulated immigration from European nations as they have with Asian and, now, Hispanic nations) and also nativism has been abundant and widely used as a method of thinking causing the issue of anti-immigration surges in the form of legislation and demonstration.
ReplyDelete2. I do think that American political culture is more than just its core principles and institutions because the makeup of American political culture is always changing as a result of the introduction of new cultures and ideals as a result of such. To just look at America's core principles and values would ignore a wide range of other values. Values like diversity, which may not be a core principle, are just as important as any other because it helps broaden the American outlook and should help Americans reason with Hispanic immigration because America is a nation of immigrants of various cultures.
1.I believe that Hispanic immigrant does not threaten the sovereignty and values of America since the U.S is a country where immigrants come from different part of the world and united under one flag. Immigrants come to the U.S for a better life and personal liberty in which the U.S is a country that is know for given its population those rights. The things that make America such an unique country is the way our differences unites us. Honestly, I thinks that's extremely stupid to think that Hispanic immigrants threaten the sovereignty and values of the U.S, since the foundation of the U.S as country is build of immigrants from many different countries. Demonstrations by pro and anti-immigrants doesn't signal a shift to the U.S history because is always known as the country where people have a lot of freedom of speech and have different opinions on matter but I hope that we can come to an end to this debates because if it wasn't for immigrant coming to America to bring something new that can help the country, I can strongly say that America wouldn't be regarded as one the most powerful country in the world.
ReplyDelete2. I do believe that America political is more that it's core principals and institutions because America is country that welcome new ideas in which that can improve the country's system. Immigrants is factor that add to the United States as true "melting pot" because of the various culture that America has that united them.
1. I do not believe that Hispanic immigration threatens American sovereignty and values. I don't think that Hispanics who are immigrating to America are trying to reclaim lands I think they are trying to create better lives for themselves. I do however feel that if Hispanics are going to live in America they should speak English and be educated about our history, culture, values and government. Being educated doesn't mean they have to agree with everything but they should respect America's history, culture, values, and government.
ReplyDeleteDemonstrations by pro- and anti-immigration groups do not signal a shift in U.S. history because throughout history people have always disagreed on certian topics such as immigration. Part of America's rights are the citizens are able to express themselves and have the right of freedom of speech and the freedom to assemble peacefully. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if they are demonstrating peacefully it is not and has has not been a problem and does not signal a shift in American history.
2. I think that American political culture is more than its core principles.
1.) I do not believe the issue of Hispanic immigration threatens American Sovereignty and values. I don't believe this because people from all over the world come to America from all walks of life. As a new and democratic society, America is home to many different races and nationalities. Who's to say that one race will ruin the morals and beliefs that America stands... based on things that have happened in the past( gaining of Mexican territory by Americans)? It is a generalization to say that Hispanics will come to America with the goal of reclaiming there lands. At this point in time, I believe most have moved on from that. If Hispanics are trying to claim anything it would be to claim a piece of the "American dream". After all America does stand by its saying "land of opportunity". Who does Huntington believe the opportunities are for? If a Hispanic has immigrated to America, received there citizenship, they rightfully deserve every opportunity that their fellow AMERICAN'S have. / Demonstrations do not demonstrate a shift in U.S. history. For decades there have been battles against races, racial laws that ban people that were thought of as different from living a peaceful life. When Irish people immigrated to America they weren't accepted by their communities. Africans were not thought of as citizens during slavery. Chinese railroad workers were not given fair pay and treatment for their services. Many races weren't accepted into America based on many things such as color, race, religion, opinion, and morals.
ReplyDelete2.) American political culture is more than its core principles and institutions. Different people May believe in many different ways of life, and withhold different morals that may effect the views on the government. Different groups of people like other people have said, such as Hispanics, contribute to the differing of opinions on who should take the reigns as the leader of America. Different generations and age groups will also have a differing of opinion on what’s right and wrong. The core principals and institutions may not be accepted by every single person living in America. This makes it a unique place to live in. As long as America is a democratic society, people will always voice their opinions and say what they feel/believe. Other values that add to the Us.'s claim that it is a true melting pot is that there are so many different races of people with different religions and outlooks moving to America daily.
1. The Hispanic immigration does not affect the sovereignty and values of America. America is a country that is built up of immigrants that moved here in search of differen liberties and oppurtunities that they were refused in their original country. As these immigrants continued to move here our values of liberty and oppurtunitiy were formed. Therefore when Huntington says that Hispanic immigration is compromising our American values, he is ignoring the fact that America was birthed from immigration and our values were derived from these people. His statement also ignores that this country's main values are set in personal freedoms and liberties and giving others oppurtunities to succeed. The pro and anti immigrant demonstrations does not signal a shift to U.S history because this country has always had periods of time in which there are different demonstrations and protests. This is an essential part of U.S history and as more demonstrations are done it only goes hand in hand with the history and legacy of the United States.
ReplyDelete2. America's political structure is more than it's core values and institutions. Our values of liberty and freedom of speech encourage the development of new principles which help contribute towards improving this nation. Immigration is a factor that contributes to America being a "melting pot". This is because they are coming to this country and they bring their culture with them which adds to the multiculturalism of America. Another factor is the freedom of speech that is given here. This contributes to the multiculturalism of the America because many voices are being heard.